Builder Monitoring
Dynamic Investigation: Protect your investment by responding to early warning signs of potential commercial stress
Receive an email alert if your nominated building company experiences:
- Detrimental change to their 'Risk Score' (which provides an indication of a business’ creditworthiness and predicts the likelihood of business insolvency or failure in the next 12 months, ranking entities using 14 credit ratings from A1 to F)
- ATO Debt (flagging of $100k+ owing & 90 days overdue & not negotiating settlement with the Tax Office)
- A negative Court Judgement (A commercial-related judgement in the Supreme, County, Magistrate Court, etc)
- A Payment Default (The builder has an unpaid debt/s recorded with our agency)
- If a Receiver or Liquidator is appointed or the company is Deregistered (Warning of significant impact to your construction project)
- Director Bankruptcy (Act immediately if a director or the registered/licensed builder is unable to continue a directorship)
Cost: $39 p/mth (on annual booking) 3 month minimum
> All clients receive a monthly update on key risk indicators
> To fully assess the reputation of a company a Comprehensive Report is recommended prior to commencing Monitoring
> Client identity and confidentiality assured